ATHENS VOICE 9/4/2020 Piraeus:
Practical support of the 2,053 employees from DPort Services and the partner companies, including the full payment of the Easter gift and the non-use of any of the emergency measures
On Friday, April 10, the full Easter gift will be paid to the 2,053 workers at piers II and III in the port of Piraeus, as decided by DPort Services and the cooperating companies, in the context of supporting the human resources of the company and society.
In fact, as they announced, they decided not to use any of the emergency measures announced by the government to support businesses from the effects of the coronavirus.
“We consider it our duty to continue to fulfill our obligations towards our employees and despite the fact that the activity of the commercial port of Piraeus has been severely affected by the cessation of industrial production worldwide and especially in China”, state DPort Services and the partner companies .
They also decided:
To pay on time and in full the amounts corresponding to the tax, insurance and other obligations to the Greek State.
To confine 102 workers, who were judged by occupational doctors to be “sensitive targets” for the coronavirus, with full payment of their salaries and the provision of a special food purchase card and without using their normal leave.
It should be noted that from the first days when there were cases of coronavirus in Europe, there was a supply of sanitary material for the workers employed on the ships. Also, the companies entered into an agreement with two private hospitals (Metropolitan and P. Faliro Medical) in order to immediately examine any suspected cases of the virus. At the same time, last week the company distributed a special package of antiseptic products and means of preventive protection against COVID-19 to all employees, so that they and their families have sufficient protective measures. The package includes special type masks, gloves, antiseptics and protection and prevention instructions.
It should also be noted that DPort Services and its partner companies are proceeding in the following days with actions to help society as a whole:
Collection of food in order to make it available to groups of the population in need. Details will be announced in the coming days.
Voluntary blood donation by employees.